Rony Oren’s Clayground is a magical world of clay, populated by vivid and loveable characters, welcoming all ages to create, learn and grow. The Clayground concept started for Rony as he immersed himself in his own clay playground, from which evolved a unique method of working with clay. In sharing his craft, Rony Oren’s Clayground has made limitless possibilities available to young and old imaginations, guiding creative play for the curious novice or veteran claymaster. When you step into Rony Oren’s Clayground you enter a realm of hands-on creativity, without borders, rejuvenating your appreciation for colour and form.
Rony Oren’s Clayground expresses the unique nature and technique of Rony Oren, a master clay animator and artist. His distinctive method is conveyed through a complete range of books and merchandise which include a how-to book series, story books, board books, clay-kits and placemats as well as internationally broadcast short animation films and worldwide workshops.